ANCBH: Association of North Carolina Boards of Health
ANCBH: Association of North Carolina Boards of Health

Phone: (704) 300-1365
(ans. mach.)

General E-mail:

Surface Mail and Shipping:
Association of North Carolina Boards of Health
4208 Galax Drive
Raleigh, NC 27612-3714

History of ANCBH

This section of our new web site is a work in progress. The Association of North Carolina Boards of Health has located and begun to review documents and materials from its archives. The current plan is to make these historical documents available to the membership as volunteer time allows. A newsletter article is presented below. Read a draft outline of the history of ANCBH here.

“… Board of health members are the bedrock of local public health, a foundation for our future, and a strength on which we can build.”
— Carl Durham, ANCBH Founding Member and First President

The following is a small article as it appeared in the September, 2002 ANCBH newsletter.  It provides a thumbnail sketch of ANCBH’s return to the status of an all-volunteer association.  The author is Barbara Ann Hughes, PhD, a past president of ANCBH.

“In 1993, as a way to invest in the education of new Board of Health members across the state, the General Assembly started a $100,000 grant in aid to ANCBH.  This arrangement worked fine until the state budget crisis caused the cancellation of this grant in 2001.

Fortunately, the Division of Public Health of the University of North Carolina, believed in the value of training, applied for, and was granted $70,000 from the state to continue training.  A UNC Board of Health Proposed Training Plan was written on September 24, 2001.  An agreement was made between the Division of Public Health and ANCBH to allow for the continued training of local Board of Health members.  The agreement, signed on January 14, 2002, provided for employees to be appointed for a period of either 3 or 5 years to carry out this training from within the Institute of Public Health of the Division of Public Health of UNC.

Carmine Rocco became a staff member of the Institute for Public Health, and continued to conduct training of local board members.  He tendered his resignation to become the Local Health Director for Warren County, North Carolina.

At present, the board trainings are being conducted by Pennington Whiteside, Deputy Director of the Institute for Public Health, and Dr. Teme Levbarg, Continuing Education staff member of the Institute.

The Board of Directors meets quarterly and is committed to offering more and valuable services to its membership.”